Journal Task 2!

*What has my creativity been for in the past few years?
*Who has it been for?
*Why have I done it this way?
* What do I want the future of my creativity to be?
* In what specific way(s) can research help me get to these new places?
*Which research starting points do I feel drawn to?
*Which do you feel wary of?
*Which seem irrelevant?

My creativity for over the past few years has mostly all been created for myself, to develop my skills and try new ways of producing pieces of work, by experimenting and working through ideas to come up with new ideas and ways of working. In other areas of work, my work has been created for a desired audience or market such as my Graphics work or my product design work. My work has been produced this way because it was part of the course I was undertaking at the time or was to work with the idea of making something for someone else rather than for myself all the time. The future of my creativity....... I would like to get a job were mine and others ideas are brought together to create a piece of work, rather than it being just mine own its own, as I feel this would become boring to me if I was to constantly working alone. By using research this can help me get to these places as it is combining other peoples ideas and designs within my own to create something, that i feel would be more interesting and diverse. To which design process to I use the most/most wary of..... I don't feel I more prone to use one more than any other, but I probably wouldn't be wary of which one I was using at the time in my research. I probably start my research with descriptive as it would start to give me initial ideas/ an understanding of the user/project.

Term 2!!!

Term 2 has already started and im getting used to being back at uni and the swing of things again. We started of the week having our tuesday lecture, but this term it was different as it included two other course pathways, Theatre design and Design for Tv/moving image. During the lecture we discussed what was important in are own subjects and then had to come up a conclusion of what was the most important aspect. This was difficult as each course had its own different ideas.... but there were some similarities. At the end of the lecture i understood more about each individual course and how we were alike.

Later on that day we also had a seminar with Jools were we discussed active learning in groups and getting to know our class better. We were then given the task to talk about on our journals how we develop ourselves as practitioners. How do I develop myself? I think as it was discussed in my group during the seminar i develop myself by looking at work that interests me and my work, by doing this by looking at others peoples work though projects, programs, journals and though the internet. I also try to read any books or design magazines that show or explain any ideas or concepts that i have that might help to develop my ideas further and improve my skills.