Term 2 has already started and im getting used to being back at uni and the swing of things again. We started of the week having our tuesday lecture, but this term it was different as it included two other course pathways, Theatre design and Design for Tv/moving image. During the lecture we discussed what was important in are own subjects and then had to come up a conclusion of what was the most important aspect. This was difficult as each course had its own different ideas.... but there were some similarities. At the end of the lecture i understood more about each individual course and how we were alike.
Later on that day we also had a seminar with Jools were we discussed active learning in groups and getting to know our class better. We were then given the task to talk about on our journals how we develop ourselves as practitioners. How do I develop myself? I think as it was discussed in my group during the seminar i develop myself by looking at work that interests me and my work, by doing this by looking at others peoples work though projects, programs, journals and though the internet. I also try to read any books or design magazines that show or explain any ideas or concepts that i have that might help to develop my ideas further and improve my skills.
yes but waht work? I said be specific so that some one else reading it would be able to follow the sources.