
Whilst animating my animation I realised I had alot of shots and scenes that were not needed as they added notting and even added confusion as it wasn't clear what was exactly going on. As it was only a minute long it also took more time away from more important parts such as falling over and the surprise ending. Whilst creating the walk form my robo-butler I tried to create a walk that showed more of my robots personality as everyones walk is individual. I looked at how butlers walk in real life by looking at clips from films and youtube clips. One big influence was the butler form Corpse Bride. In this animation the butler has a very unusual walk and posture. His body posture was very closed and kept together, His arms and hands hardly moved whilst walking unless he was moving or picking something up. His arm movements were slow and expertly performed, whilst his legs were fast and quick paced almost blurry at times. I added these features to my robot rather than a robotic movement as I feel this added to my character personality. During my animating I decided That due to the shiny/high polished affect of my flooring I made my characters walk very careful and well placed movements as he is scared of falling over the slippery floor let alone a banana skin. His steps are small and carefully placed although he still walks at a steady pace, so some times his feet slip forward a bit during his walk.

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