My Story

After creating my robot and my environment I started to animate my robot. The story of my 1min animation for bots and bananas is about a robot butler that is starting his daily chores in the morning. It starts with a moving camera shoot across the room to set the scene. The audience will see the futuristic setting and furniture so they understand that it is set in the distant future and it is a modern day home in the sky. They will then see the robot starting to walk to his work station, by looking at his attire I hope people will recognise that it is the dress of a butler but its on a robot. As he starts to walk to his work station the audience will see a banana skin on the floor that the robot hasn't noticed. The audience is then lead to believe that the robot is about to slip on the banana, which he does do but thats not all that happens. After falling over as the robo-butler regains his wits and realises that in falling over he has damaged his work station and it starts losing power and begins to shut down. This make the robot panic as he is lying down underneath the main control centre of the computer. The surprise is this then comes crashing down on top of the robo-butler as he tries to get back up.

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