Project Complete!

After rending my my project for what feels like forever I have completed my Animation. Overall I am happy with my final piece and like the way it has turned out. I like the look of my robo-butler and my environment and feel it fits well with my futuristic home of the future. I like the cartoon look my animation has with the use of bright colours and shiny textures. I also like the design of my environment as it worked well as the set for my animation, it had a good flow as the camera moved across for the opening scene establishing the scene. I also liked the use of camera zooms as the animation played as this added drama to the banana shot to build up comedic affect. Although it is clear and very predictable that the robo-butler will slip and fall over because of the banana I feel the ending works well as it is a surprise most people wont guess. After creating my walk it was clear it still didn't work as well as i hoped and if I had more time I would like to perfect it as I think it could work well and explain more about how my character works in its environment. I wanted the walk to be careful and each foot well placed as he was careful at not trying to slip over on the polished floor as it was very slippery due to its impractical design. I feel this walking sequence is the weakest part of my animation and I would still like to spend more time developing it, but due to the deadline it wasn't possible. I would also like to add more sounds to my animation as I feel it lacks background sounds such as robot movements or machine hums. Overall though I am very happy with my finished animation and feel it fits the required outcomes for the project. I have enjoyed creating this project from designing ideas to creating it in 3d. For the next projects in term two I would like to create a more realistic final outcome rather than a cartoon feel.

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